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You can live the life you desire! 

Trauma robs us of our connection with Self.
Healing makes it possible to reclaim your Self - to get unstuck, live with joy, purpose, and power so that you can manifest your desires and dreams!

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Hi, I’m Sujata!

I am so happy that you are here. I want to support you in feeling safe, seen, and validated to be yourself.

It is my soul’s purpose to help women like you heal past wounds to let go of what is not serving you, free yourself and your children from the cycle of trauma, and play big to live the bold, liberated, and audacious life you were born to live. 

I know how hard it can be to imagine that something different is possible when you feel disheartened, different from others around you, and alone. I've been there AND I want you to know that change is possible. 

I've been where you are - confused, unsure of myself, scared to be seen. As a trauma survivor myself, I know the safety of hiding, shrinking; the shame of the past, and the fear of the future. I also know that we are meant for expansion, abundance, joy, success, and love. It is my honor to guide others like you on a psycho-social and spiritual journey to your true Self where all of this is waiting for you.

Your true Self is always whole, lovable, and so worthy. Let's journey together to embody it.


Do any of these describe you?

 ✓ You know that you are capable of so much more and long for a life that you know deep down you deserve but aren't living it because you feel stuck, unable to move forward.

 ✓ You are unable to take space, express yourself, or be seen in the way you want. 

✓ You judge yourself harshly, don't feel "enough" or are unable to own your worthiness.

 ✓ Your relationships are sapping you of energy and you are in a recurring pattern that you can’t seem to break no matter how hard you try.

✓ You feel numb or disconnected from your emotions and body.

✓ You feel comfortable focusing on "achieving or doing" and have a hard time relaxing, experiencing pleasure, or taking time to play or have fun.

 ✓ You wonder if there is something wrong with you and if you will ever find love, happiness, or aliveness.

You can break this cycle NOW. There is nothing wrong with you. Many of these are brilliant adaptations to your past wounds and trauma that helped you survive. Now, it is time to heal those wounds so that you can thrive. 



Free yourself and your children from the cycle of trauma

The Embodied Self-Inquiry™ Process that I use with my clients has been created to help you connect to your true Self which is not impacted by trauma and is always whole, complete, and powerful in an embodied way so that you can:

 ✓ Replace shame, guilt, & self-judgment with self-compassion and self-love.

 ✓ Get clear on your needs, wants, and values to live an authentic life.

 ✓ Break unhealthy relationship patterns and learn to set boundaries to create fulfilling relationships.

✓ Live the life you were born to live.

It can be scary to change what you know but deep down you know that there is more in store for you. 

Set your Dreams

Become crystal clear on what is taking you closer to the life you want

Find your Purpose

Attune to your inner guide to discover your life purpose

Attract Abundance 

Feel safe to be seen and to play big so that you can attract abundance 

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Are you ready to Transform Your Life?

When you work with me, in addition to one-on-one support, you will also build a toolbox of resources personalized to you that you can use for the rest of your life to help you feel aligned in mind, body, and spirit.  
You will learn:

Mindfulness Practices

To become present and to feel the moment even during times of stress

Somatic, body based therapeutic practices

To connect to yourself in an embodied way

Self-honoring meditations

To build self-compassion, self-care, self-love, and self-worth.

Let me be your guide  

In our work together, I will be the guide by your side to hold space for you emotionally as well as mentally so that you can rest knowing that you will keep moving forward in a way that is aligned with your values and desires.   

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2 FREE practices to   

Tame Trauma Triggers

Need an immediate boost of self-care to overcome isolation, perfectionism, and self-criticism?

Sign up for two FREE Practices. You'll receive the "Self Acceptance" and "Self Compassion" practices directly to your inbox.

Get started today!

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You can end your suffering

You don’t have to suffer and struggle as I did for over 10 years before getting the support that will begin to transform your life and relationships! I know that since I could do this, you can too. You CAN:

 ✓ Heal and let go of the past so that it has no power over you

 ✓  Resource yourself and create a toolbox of practices to help you through times when you might feel triggered, activated, or reactive.

 ✓ Change your current reality to create new possibilities.

 ✓  Feel safe in your body and attract relationships in which you feel safe

 ✓  Experience joy, energy, and aliveness as you have never before

Lao Tzu

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

What can you do to start?

The first step is often the hardest to take. I know, I’ve been there. 
You might have already read self-help books, taken online courses and workshops, and even done a ton of work but things haven’t changed or are not shifting fast enough. 



Via Zoom Video

  • One-on-one with me
  • Completely Safe Space
  • Pragmatic but personal support
  • Sensitive and constructive dialogue
Book a FREE Session

Book a complimentary session with me


In our meeting held over Zoom, I hold a safe space for you to share what isn’t working for you in your life right now, how that might be making you feel, and what is the next step you might take to change that.

I work with a limited number of one-on-one clients so that I can show up for you as my best, most energized self.

Contemplating divorce?

The drama of divorce is depleting. Find ways to nurture yourself and find balance and support as you go through this phase with TransitionAide.

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